Small Screen

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Small Screen was a successful YSTV show which reviewed the best and worst of mainstream television.


Small Screen was conceived as a "filler show" running alternate Tuesdays with Bona Dicta, in the autumn term in which the Gang of Four ran the station, in order to give freshers something to crew and take part in. The set was pretty similar to Bona Dicta - black drapes and a panel with a presenter. The original intention was that different people would be members of the panel each week, and the presenter would also change. However due to lack of interest producer Jonathan Bufton and his housemate Tom Hughes had to step in to make up the panel. The first edition (11th November 2003) was presented by Lydia Haddrell, and the second by Graham Ruddick. For the third, the presenter didn't turn up and so Jonathan and Tom hosted the show themselves. The rest is history!


The format didn't change much over the two years, usually consisting of three or four clips of three of four TV programmes - both good and bad - transmitted that fortnight being reviewed and commented on. The first programme to be reviewed was the last ever edition of Brookside, and the last was, er, ChuckleVision. In January 2004 the set was changed - or more accurately dispensed with. The programme was presented "behind the scenes" at YSTV, starting off in the control room and moving into the studio, using whatever set was in place (and what was behind the cameras) and occasionely venturing out in the corridors of Goodricke. Handheld camera operators were used, as were the security cameras around the station. This allowed the show to look a lot more fluid than the usual YSTV "three locked-off cameras" approach. The title sequence remained unchanged throughout - scrolling TV screens showing recordings from Sky Digital one afternoon, produced by Dave Baker. The theme tune was Mint Royale - Shake Me, changed for copyright reasons in February 2005 to something far inferior. The original theme returned for the final show.


The programme won Best Light Entertainment at NaSTA 2004, judged by Nev Fountain, writer of "Dead Ringers". He said the hosts were "very knowledgable" and that he would like to see a show like this on proper telly. After this, every mention of Dead Ringers on the show was glowing.

Bye Bye Tom

In October 2004 Tom Hughes left to spend more time pretending to be a DJ. After a rigorous audition process he was replaced by Kate Rushworth.


Over time extra features in addition to the reviews were added - the soap update was a regular feature for a while (until it became clear that only Tom cared), and the Classic Clip delved into the archives of the producers (or TV Ark if they were desperate). TV News did what it said on the tin, and that week's new Radio Times was flicked through rather boringly on camera with the BBC's advance Programme Information (or Pi). Later in The Gallery, the presenters wrote to many TV programmes claiming to be a fan, and received over 70 signed postcards in response (most notably the entire cast of BBC Scotland's River City and three photos from Dot Cotton). Shit TV saw Kate sneak off to the toilets and talk through the worst TV she'd seen that week. YSTV Gold raided the archives of the station, and Behind The Scenes showed what happens behind the cameras. From January 2005 each programme looked at a particular genre of programming, such as comedy or children's.


At NaSTA 2005 Matt Cunningham - produced of "The Matt and Dave Show" at stoic (Student Television Of Imperial College, London) introduced himself to YSTV as a massive fan of Small Screen. As a result of this Kate, Tom and Jonathan (with Dave Baker and Sarah Leese) visited stoic in June 2005 as guests on the last ever "Matt and Dave Show". Matt and stoic Station Manager John returned the favour for the last Small Screen two weeks later.

The End

After 24 shows the programme finished (due to the graduation of the presenters) on 29th June 2005 with a self-indulgent programme of highlights of the past two years, hosted by all three presenters. There was also a countdown of the top five shows reviews (won by Monkey Dust) and the worst five (won by Mad About Alice). The final scene implied the programme was actually moving to be produced by the BBC. Ironically, Jonathan now works for ITV. No principles at all.

The last known use of Small Screen was in the 2006 Best Broadcaster, where it was included due to Rowan's love of the show, as well as a general desire to show all programmes made since the last NaSTA, even if they had since been discontinued.

The spirit of Small Screen lives on in a section of the fantastic Limited Edition, where the presenters review programmes from other student TV stations.

The Gallery remains in the corner of the YSTV studio to this day.

The last 15 programmess can be [seen on the YSTV website], and are still repeated occasionely on YSTV.

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