A fucking awesome show (patent pending). Man Man is a comedy superhero drama created by Mark Friend concerning a superhero with the power of two men. The 3-episode series was produced for YSTV by Mark and Simon Harris.

Man Man
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Genre: Comedy
First Broadcast: 2009
Producer(s): Mark Friend
Simon Harris

A shortened edit of Episode 1 won Highly Commended Comedy at NaSTA 2010.

No Children - Children in Need 2009 special

A special episode was done for Children In Need 2009 with a Dr Seuss style poem. This promoted that the first episode would be ready by Christmas (it wasn't).

Written, starring, filmed, edited and produced by Mark Friend and Simon Harris with filming assistance from Alex Muller.

Episode 1: Breaking Convention

A deadly attack decimating the world's superheroes throws Man Man into a sudden state of responsibility, including retrieving an old lady's precious cakegateau. Newsreader Edwin Swyft gets more than he bargained for when things turn sour at the local TV station.

Filming began 10th November 2009 in the Quiet Place by Heslington Hall. It didn't finish until the end of March 2010 due to a number of things holding the producers up - degrees, Children In Need 2009, NaSTA editing, and that goshdarn Christmas. However, Episode 1 was finally released to the masses on 16th April 2010.

Episode 2

Was written and filmed alongside Episode 3 between May and September 2010. Currently being edited by Simon Harris from a small bunker in the Arctic Circle. Rumours suggest a key role by YUM Chair Chris Young, and the return of a familiar foe. A full episode was promised for christmas, but...


A teaser was promised for Christmas, but...

Episode 3

Written and filmed alongside Episode 2, and also waiting in line at the Artic Editing Bunker.


See Man Man cast.

YSTV Productions
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs